Coin a phrase...

Do you love playing with language? Join me in creating new phrases, metaphors, words, similes, slogans, etc. Periodically, I'll post a tired old phrase and you send me a fresh, new phrase that has the 'same' meaning. Or, I'll send you a description that begs for a new word and you send me a possible new word. Who knows? Maybe your new phrase or word will catch on. Maybe the phrase you coin will bring you fame and coin!

Location: central Massachusetts

I have been a elementary school teacher and a computer programmer. Now I am a doctoral student in cognitive science studying the brainwaves of the 'aha' moment and how two concepts combine to make a new concept. Experiencing the 'aha' moment gives me a sense of wonder and awe. As long as I can remember I have always been trying to feel that wonder and awe so I constantly try to think 'outside the box' and see 'more than is there.' My puzzles and stories reflect this.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Cell Phone Etiquette

We need some new terms describing the behaviors surrounding the use of cell phones. Here are some needs I see and some possible terms to describe them.

The cell yell - when someone is speaking too loudly on their cell
(Maybe you have a better term for this. )

Phone zone - when a cell phone user is oblivious to those around him
(Maybe you have a better term for this. )

Another need: You are trapped next to a loud cell phone user. What do you call it?

What other cell phone behaviors and situations do we need new terms for? What new terms will work to name them?

Please send your comments in the following form:
term - definition & a sample sentence

phone zone - when a cell phone user is oblivious to others around him
"I needed this guy to move away from the door but he was in such a phone zone that I couldn't get his attention."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cell hell – being trapped beside someone speaking loudly on their cell
"I was next to this guy on the train yesterday and it was just cell hell."

3:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

phone pas – a cell phone faux pas

3:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cellacious - being salacious while on your cell, either with sexually explicit pictures or conversation

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cellmate - the person you talk to the most on your cell, your soulmate on the cell
"I talk with my cellmate twenty times a day."

6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Text, the verb: "Did you call your brother?" "No, I'll just text him." (I have no idea if this translates into 'texted' in the past tense, but I've certainly heard 'texting' also used.)

6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cell spell - a condition of being oblivious to those around you while using your cell
"He didn't notice the accident. He was under a cell spell."

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cellfish - being selfish with your cell
"He's so cellfish. He doesn't let anybody use his cell."

8:17 AM  
Blogger regina doman said...

Cyellow zone - being trapped next to someone who is speaking too loudly on their cell phone.

"Unfortunately I was in the cyellow zone all the way home on the subway."

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cell fog - when a cell phone user is oblivious to those around him
"He was in such a cell fog that he didn't even notice the wet cement he was stepping in."

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cellathon - a marathon session on your cell phone
"My teenage daughter has a cellathon every night."

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ring wraith - inexplicable phenomenon that occurs when your cell phone goes off in a theater, class, church, etc. even though you're sure you silenced it.

"As I looked around at the people in my immediate area of the theater trying to find the culprit, I slowly realized that I had just been visited by the ring wraith."

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

celludite - someone who is opposed to the technological progress represented by cell phones
(named after the Luddites - 19th century English workmen who destroyed labor-saving machinery that they thought would cause unemployment)

"He still uses the old rotary phone. He's definitely a celludite."

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cell wall-when a person walking in front of you suddenly and completely stops in the middle of the walkway and is completely unware of you behind them.
"I was walking through the mall and the gal in front of me hit a cell wall and I almost hit her"

3:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cellular interruptus

Here it is used in context.

The highest incidence of cellular interruptus was found in Germany and Spain, where 22 percent of users interrupted sex to answer their cell phones ....


12:44 PM  

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