Coin a phrase...

Do you love playing with language? Join me in creating new phrases, metaphors, words, similes, slogans, etc. Periodically, I'll post a tired old phrase and you send me a fresh, new phrase that has the 'same' meaning. Or, I'll send you a description that begs for a new word and you send me a possible new word. Who knows? Maybe your new phrase or word will catch on. Maybe the phrase you coin will bring you fame and coin!

Location: central Massachusetts

I have been a elementary school teacher and a computer programmer. Now I am a doctoral student in cognitive science studying the brainwaves of the 'aha' moment and how two concepts combine to make a new concept. Experiencing the 'aha' moment gives me a sense of wonder and awe. As long as I can remember I have always been trying to feel that wonder and awe so I constantly try to think 'outside the box' and see 'more than is there.' My puzzles and stories reflect this.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

NPR loves "Coin a phrase"

The NPR show "A Way With Words" will feature two items from "Coin a phrase." They contacted us about taping segments. Here's the link for the show.

My wife will be talking with them on Feb. 17th about the word 'lunaversary'- 'luna' (for moon) + 'anniversary' - the number of months since a special occasion.

I will be talking with them on Feb. 22nd about some new terms for cell phone use: cell hell, phone pas, cellmate, and celluddite.

Keep on playing because the word is spreading! (And, new words are spreading!)