A Gaggle of...
"a pride of lions"
"a school of fish"
There a so many collective nouns, especially for animals. Here's a list.
We need some collective nouns for the new technological by-products of our modern world.
What would you call a collection of spam? A (blank) of spam?
A group of e-mails?
All your passwords for all your different online bank accounts & e-mail accounts?
All the plastic cards your carry around in your wallet?
A group of cell phones? Of beepers?
What other technological by-products do we need new collective nouns for? What new terms will work to name them?
a googol of spam (a googol is the number 1 followed by 100 zeroes)
(This word is also close to the word "google.")
a crush of credit cards
a pile of plastic
an inundated inbox
a jam of junk mail
"e-nough of e-mail"
"e-nough e-mail"
a pillar of plastic
a press of passwords
a posy of passwords
an impasse of passwords
a furlong of files
a deck of diskettes
a clique of clicks (mouse clicks)
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