Go together...
They go together like chips and salsa.
Create new phrases (or send in ones you've heard.)
(new) "go together like chips and salsa"
Do you love playing with language? Join me in creating new phrases, metaphors, words, similes, slogans, etc. Periodically, I'll post a tired old phrase and you send me a fresh, new phrase that has the 'same' meaning. Or, I'll send you a description that begs for a new word and you send me a possible new word. Who knows? Maybe your new phrase or word will catch on. Maybe the phrase you coin will bring you fame and coin!
I have been a elementary school teacher and a computer programmer. Now I am a doctoral student in cognitive science studying the brainwaves of the 'aha' moment and how two concepts combine to make a new concept. Experiencing the 'aha' moment gives me a sense of wonder and awe. As long as I can remember I have always been trying to feel that wonder and awe so I constantly try to think 'outside the box' and see 'more than is there.' My puzzles and stories reflect this.
"Go together like an indoor dog and a sunny spot on the carpet."
(old) "peaches and cream"
(old) "two peas in a pod"
"peanut butter and jelly"
"fish and chips"
"bread and butter"
"hamburger and fries"
"pastrami and rye"
"a sponge and water"
"ketchup and fries"
"Kleenex and a cold"
"Brady and the Patriots"
"Manny and the Red Sox"
(from a New Englander)
like denim and leather
cherries and sundaes
swamps and gators
woodpeckers and telephone poles
ants and molasses
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