Tongue Twisters
"She sells sea shells by the seashore."
"Unique New York" (say it three times fast)
Create a new tongue twister. It doesn't have to be long to be difficult. Maybe there is something that your tongue has stumbled upon in your everyday life.
The trick with a tongue twister is that you have to switch back and forth quickly between two sounds. You have to find two sounds that are difficult to switch between. Here are two lists to give you some ideas.
Here's one that a student of mine, Will, came up with.
"red bread, blue bread" (say it three times)
Today's true student pays to share a view.
"blathering, billowing, bubbling bile" (3 times)
"sleek, chic clique" (3 times)
"a thankful Tad was a tad thankful" (3 times)
(a variation on a classic)
"She sails sea sails at the seashore."
"Which watchers wear wristwatches?"
"I saw Sue's shadow when the sunshine shone."
"Throw three free trees on the truck." (3 times)
"Please seize the sneeze." (3 times)
"Unfurl the rural mural" (3 times)
(for a church)
"Please pray promptly"
(for a playground)
"Please play promptly"
"Yellow Laurie loves yellow lollies."
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