Omelette Proverb
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs."
Create a new proverb that has the same meaning. Either create one that has the same form or create one (or find one) with a different form.
(new) "You can't win the race without breaking a sweat."
(old) "No pain, no gain."
You can't fry bacon without killing a pig.
You can't clean the barn out without shoveling a little sh*t.
All progress has it's victims.
You can't write the novel without killing the tree.
My web page product has an international slogan/sayin': "RoFo Headgear - the only hat that gives good head... of foam!"
by "Mad" Randy Flann ;-) USA
In light of the recent mortgage scandal that is so seriously affecting our economy and everything else, I got the idea for a two word phrase to identify how bad the type of mortgages are that have caused the problem. I call them "WOODEN MORTGAGES" because of their poor value.
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