Now that the National Hockey League has canceled its season, the letters "NHL" are free to have new meanings this year.
Create a new meaning for what "NHL" stands for.
If I get some good ones, I'll send them to The Late Show with David Letterman for its "Top Ten List."
Examples: (send in a short description also, if necessary)
New Hampshire Liberals (a small group)
Never Have Luck (a support group for unlucky people)
No Hockey League
Natural High Living
Neonate Helps Letterman
(Letterman's baby son helps him. Helps him do what? I don't know.)
Nimble Headline Lengtheners
(Why use 4 words when 10 will do?)
Nacho Heritage League
(dedicated to the preservation of the tortilla)
Naked Hunting License
(Hunt Naked, if you have the license)
Neighborhood Heart Laboratory
(every neighborhood needs one)
Nomadic Hairballs & Lint
(We monitor the dustbunnies of the world.)
Nobel High-Rolling Laureate
(recipient of the new Nobel Prize for Gambling)
Nearly Historic Liars
(tellers of tall tales)
Naturally Hungry Lumberjacks
Nefarious Hip-Hop Lyrics
Neglected Hippie Legends
(untold stories from the 60's)
Negative Health Lessons
(stories to scare you into taking better care of yourself)
New Hydraulic Lifts
(for the latest in hydraulic lift technology)
Nearly Harmonious Libido
(Is your libido out of whack?)
Nasty Haughty Licentious
(a rogue gang of rich kids)
Native Handicraft Library
(a collection of Native American crafts)
Notorious Hound Lovers
(people who go gaga over dogs)
Narrow Humor List
(list of topics that even narrow-minded people will find funny
Every comedian carries around this list.
(people who use excessively long, hyphenated words)
Non-Holiday Lover
Need Hockey Lawyers
Neolithic Hungrarian Laypeople
Normally Hockey's Lame
Nude Hockey League
Never Hit Ladies
Notherners, Hunters, and Labour Unions (I.e. Canadians)
Non-Heterosexual Lesbians (Is that redundant?)
Non-Homoginized Lactose
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